Monday, July 5, 2010

Pet Insurance ~ A Pet Lover's Must In Case He Chokes On A Popsicle Stick

Why is Pet Insurance ~ Most Essential For Pet Owners?!!!!!

As a traveling pet owner, one of the most important things you can do is ensure that your pet is as healthy as possible prior to traveling. But, what happens if your pet is injured or struck with a sudden illness while you are traveling?

FACT: Every 6 seconds, a pet owner is faced with a veterinarian bill over $1,000!

Unexpected vet expenses can be difficult at any time, but they are especially challenging for traveling pet owners. With pet insurance, if your pet gets sick or has an accident while you are at home or away, you can go to any licensed veterinarian in the United States and Canada for treatment. Knowing that your pet's medical expenses are covered brings tremendous peace of mind, making pet insurance an invaluable asset to the traveling pet owner.

Five things to consider when choosing pet insurance:

1.) Does the policy cover all chronic, congenital and hereditary conditions?
2.) Is there a time limit on treatment per condition?
3.) Is there a dollar limit on treatment per condition?
4.) Are there flexible coverage options to fit your budget and needs exactly?
5.) How well established is the company? How is it rated?

You love your pets and your friends at Tastes & Tours and believe protecting them is most important.
Protecting your dog or cat takes more than providing a balanced diet, ensuring plenty of exercise and scheduling regular checkups. Having cat or dog insurance means being prepared for the cost of an unexpected accident or illness. To protect you from the financial impact associated with these costs, while providing your pet with the best possible care, PETCO recommends Truepanion. Click the logo provided by our friend from PETCO at the top of the page and search for pet insurance. You'll be glad you did! And if you're looking for a way to offset your vet bill, we've got you covered with a neat retailing and or fundraising opportunity. Pet lovers everywhere are finding unique and welcoming ways to knock on neighbors doors and reach out to family and friends with something they want and crave 3 - 5 times a day. We've found it in Healthy Coffee. Share the goodness of health in a habit (Organo Gold) deliciously satisfying coffee -- and at the same time, fundraise for pets safety and your local pet charity at the same time. Pet lovers are selling conveniently packaged sachets of coffee for $3 - $5, a 500%+ profit margin. Boxes sell of black coffee sell for as low as $17 dollars. With 30 sachets, that's up to $100 earnings for you and your favorite charity. Call 810.310.6664 to learn more or visit us today to begin purchasing wholesale and sharing retail. Schools and charitable organizations especially love this fundraiser. Learn more today at

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pet Allergies - Pooch and Kitty Allergies - Get Ready!

"My mom's not much of a stairclimber when she's sneezing all the time. It all started when she met and fell for me. The sneezing was uncontrollable. I was paw-sitively touched by her constant tears. Turns out, it was allergies." ~ Noni This time last year I was miserable. Runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, headache, you name it. Allergy sufferers know what I'm talking about. And don't even get me started on all the prescription meds that are supposed to help. Unless your allergies are minor, drugs are pretty worthless. Unless your goal is to go to sleep. Fortunately, I found a miracle herb (Ganoderma- Ilixir of Life) that's hidden in a delicious healthy coffee and teas; and it tastes incredible. More importantly, this coffee and tea has changed my life. I never sneeze anymore and haven't done anything differently other than enjoy a cup of coffee or tea whenever I want. (But that's another blog.) Dogs, and to a certain extent cats, deal with allergies, too. Unlike us though, dogs and cats usually react to allergies by scratching. While we sneeze, they lick, bite, chew, scratch and rub. Chronic ear infections are also common with allergic dogs, as is licking the pads of the feet.

It really doesn't matter whether the allergy is to pollen, mold, carpet or food, itching is the most common sign of allergy in dogs. Noni was allergic to rice. Regardless of the fine brand of lamb and rice dog food we chose for him. So, we switched to a homemade salmon and sweet potato diet And the scratching ceased. Of course there are many other causes of itching and they all have to be ruled out before a diagnosis of allergy can be made.

So, pay attention to your best friends. If they seem lethargic, you've got a problem. Hurry to the vet. And pay close attention to their temperatures as spring is sprung.

Get everything you need for allergy season!
Learn more about how to combat your allergies with Organo gold's coffee. If you've got a habit of craving coffee and wish you could get some health benefits from your addiction, there's great news. This coffee is infused with the herb Ganoderma, previously reserved for Chinese Royalty, more than 4,000 years ago. Google it: You'll see for yourself, there are thousands of third party recommendations for this prized herb. We're thrilled to have found it infused with the goodness of coffee. You can even fundraise for your favorite pet charity,using Organo Gold's Coffee that pays program. Call 810.310.6664 to learn more earn up to $20 per unit! See how schools, girl scouts, mochalicious moms, churches, soccer teams, and charities are utilizing this brilliant way to raise money to support their causes.